fawn press logo is the cream silhouette of a fawn against a dark green background


Submissions Team

Meet our Fawn Press submissions team, Lexia Tomlison and Salomée Lou, who will be playing a crucial role in combining efforts with Scarlett Ward to

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The Thicket 2024 Spring issue.

I am delighed to announce that The Thicket is relaunching with its second issue on the theme of ‘Wintering‘, with submissions opening 1st December 2023

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Chose from ay or all of these prompts, either as a freewrite prompt or take it and run! -You are the first flower to bud.

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Brief hiatus

Whilst we have been on haitus, I owe you all an explanation! On 3rd feb I fell into A and E with some serious symptoms:

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A Couplet of Poets

This week we will be announcing our Pamphlet Series Poets, the poets who we have signed to publish this Spring! I have been thinking for

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PROMPT: Endings

As the year draws to a close, often we find ourselves contemplating the year that has gone before, and how we might start the year

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Why Do Pre-orders Matter?

You may have heard the great news that our pre-orders are now available to purchase from our shop! Hurrah! But what IS a pre-order? Why

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Fawn Press Mentorship Scheme

We are absolutely delighted to announce the launch of the Fawn Press Mentorship Scheme, in partnership with Beatfreeks, made possible by the FUEL funding. What

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Green leaves piled on top of one another and spread horizontally across the frame

Prompt: List Poem

List poems are fun because they help the reader process the world in a familiar format. The repetition can really drive home a point, build

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Long green grass blows bending to the side

Prompt: “Air”

You might want to approach these as freewrite exercise, setting a 3-minute timer on your phone and exploring wherever internal monologue takes you, or you

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a picture of the writing west midlands booklet

National Writers’ Conference 2021

Saturday 4th September, Writing West Midlands hosted The National Writer’s Conference at The University of Birmingham, hosting a wide range of keynote speakers, panels, and

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grass grows around a mirror, daisies are reflected in its surface

Prompt: Perception

We can tell various different stories through various items. The objects we gather around us in our domestic environment often tells a story about who

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on the left a square of scarlett's face looking to the side, and on the right a full-length picure of Lexia, with her hands on her hips and head tilted

Get To Know Our Editors

We launched on the 1st September, finally unveiling the team behind Fawn Press over on social media, so get to know a little more about

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