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Prompt: Landscapes

a riverside is lines by trees

In fitting with our Call For Submissions on the theme of Elements: The Natural & Supernatural, this month’s writing prompt is LANDSCAPES. Many landscapes draw upon the natural elements, with countryside views as well as cityscapes capturing earth, air, fire and water.

Limber up with a freewrite, using the elements as your prompts and set 4 minute timers at intervals on your phone. Often you can return to material reaped from free-writes when gathering fodder for poems.

Draw upon a memory where you remember being at a beauty spot, it could be a happy childhood memory or somewhere you have recently been on holiday. Really try to paint a picture of where you were and what made it beautiful.

What was unexpected about the landscape? Was there anything unique. or surprising about what you saw? How did it effect who you are today?

If this prompt results in a poem, great! Submit to us for our anthology!