fawn press logo is the cream silhouette of a fawn against a dark green background
Scarlett's headshot is of her with a black bob and glasses, looking to the left

Photo credit: @isaac.a.q

Scarlett Ward. (She/her)

Founder, MD & Editor

Scarlett is a Poet, Workshop Facilitator, book worm, and animal lady, with a yam-yam accent and a deep love for the Cannock Chase Forest that she was born and raised in.

She founded Fawn Press in August 2021, with a vision of helping to bring beautiful poetry anthologies, pamphlets, and collections into the world.

Her debut poetry collection “Ache” was released in 2019 with Verve Poetry press, and her work features in Nine Arches’ Under The Radar Press, Eyeflash Poetry, and Places Of Poetry anthology.

She is a workshop facilitator for Writing West Midlands and Homegrown 31, and visits schools around the country to deliver fun and engaging workshops to young people. She has worked as Editor for On Your Doorstep Magazine and has worked as an Editor for single-poet projects.

She came runner up in 2019’s Verve Community competition as judged by Joelle Taylor, and the Wolverhampton Literature Festival Competition as judged by Roy McFarlane. Scarlett was nominated for a Sabotage Award for Best Spoken Word Artist in 2018, and in 2016, her poetry evening “Cafe Del Nino” was nominated for “Best Spoken Word event.”

Instagram: @scarlett.ward

Lexia Tomlinson. (She/her)

Editor and submission reader

Lexia Tomlinson is a Poet, Actor and Spoken Word Artist who delivers captivating performances and workshops. Her work engages audiences with its unabashed honesty wrapped up in metaphors; she loves writing about the personal and socio-political issues in life. Her central ethos is “the social is political, and the political is social, but everything is personal”.

Lexia has opened for the likes of Buddy Wakefield (A Choir of Honest Killers tour), curtain-raised for a Kae Tempest play (Hopelessly Devoted).

She is a 2021 BBC Words First Alumni, 2017 Roundhouse Slam Semi-Finalist; has featured or headlined at events/festivals such as Cheltenham Poetry Festival, Wychwood, Verve, Evidently and Headspace.

Her work has been commissioned by organisations such as MAC (Midland’s Art Centre), WEP (Women’s Equality Party), Beatfreeks and Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.

Her work has been published in multi-media digital formats such as Round House’s Homing Pigeon’, multiple zines and multiple anthologies. She is currently working on her debut collection Sankofa (2023 release).

Social Media Handles: @Lexialegend on Instagram
@Lexialegend on Twitter. Facebook Artist Page: Lexia Tomlinson

Lexia's head shot shows her hair in a plait, and her smiling at the camera. She wears hoop earrings and a blazer jacket

Saffron Hoo (She/her)

Events Photographer.

Saffron picked up her first camera on her 13th birthday, since that day continued to grow her passion for photography, capturing anything and anyone she resonated with.

Through practising photography she went on to study photography at Solihull college, where she developed her skills and knowledge of her camera, encouraging her to continue pursuing photography as a hobby.

“I shoot anything that catches my eye, not only for its beauty but for all its rawness -be it landscapes or people; my subject has never been focused on one specific thing.”

Instagram: @saffsphotos_

Konnie Colton (She/her)

Intern. 2021

Konnie worked on the Elements anthology with the submissions reading team. She is a writer, reader, and lover of cats and coffee.

She graduated from her Creative Writing BA in 2020, and is now studying her Creative Writing MA whilst she works on her debut novella.

Konnie writes and reads supernatural fiction, but also loves nature writing, classics and poetry.

In her spare time she enjoys travelling to new places, walking, drawing and spending time with her cat, Tilly.

Twitter: @kon_the_writer

Salomée Lou (she/her)

The Thicket Magazine Submissions Reader.

Salomée is a bilingual poetess, queer witch and a feminist bookseller based in Brighton. She originally comes from Provence in France.

After working with diverse arts collectives in the UK such as Verse Matters and SheFest, she created her own spoken word collective in Berlin, Political Agender. Salomée’s writing can be found in Heroica Magazine, Aghh! Zine, and Now Then.

Her favourite themes to endlessly explore are emotions lost in translation, transmission, words as spells and anything related to sisterhood. When she doesn’t write, you’ll find her curled up somewhere with a cuppa, reading.