Sunday 27th March saw Fawn Press appear at Lichfield Festival, which took place from 24-27March. The line up varied from novelists to poets, as Lichfield Literature Festival welcomed one of the UK’s leading Historians Simon Thurley, mortician Carla Valentineshort story author Vaseem Khan, and novelists Alison Weir and Nikki May.
Among this amazing line up, Fawn Press was lucky enough to feature!

It was a great honour to take to the stage to welcome our upcoming pamphlet poets Sallyanne Rock and Nabeela Saghir, anthology contributor and Birmingham Poet Laureate Casey Bailey, and Fawn Press mentorship mentee Devjani Bodepudi.

We had a fantastic stall to sell our books, thank you to St Mary’s Hub for the space for our performers and for our books!