Image Descriptions: Why We Use Them & Why They’re Important

Green moss grows over a rock, with a few tendrils budding.

You may have seen across our Instagram, that at the end of our captions we include a short paragraph prefaced “image description” which then goes on to describe details of the picture we have just posted. We would like to answer any questions you may have about this process, and encourage everyone to do the […]

“Poetry In The Park” at Staffordshire’s Victoria Park

9 people stand in a group in a green park, in front of a bandstand, smiling at the camera

Fawn Press is proud to be from and operate within the “Create County” Staffordshire, and it was a special day on Saturday 11th September to be a part of the 110th Anniversary celebration of the park with poetry performances, music, and general joviality within the community. Staffordshire Poet Laureate Mel Woodend did a fabulous job […]

Prompt: “Air”

Long green grass blows bending to the side

You might want to approach these as freewrite exercise, setting a 3-minute timer on your phone and exploring wherever internal monologue takes you, or you might take the prompts literally and focus a poem on each topic. -Your favourite song growing up -Wind-chimes on a porch -The wind is blowing leaves off of a tree […]

We Asked The Public” What Makes A Poem Dazzle?”

An aerial view of a forest of pine trees

We opened up our social media platforms across Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to invite our followers and fellow members of the writing community to chat to us about what makes a poem dazzle for them particularly! By asking multiple spheres of the community what it is that makes them tick, we got some great responses […]

National Writers’ Conference 2021

a picture of the writing west midlands booklet

Saturday 4th September, Writing West Midlands hosted The National Writer’s Conference at The University of Birmingham, hosting a wide range of keynote speakers, panels, and educational talks from figures of note within the literature world. This was my first NWC, and I didn’t know what to expect, but as both a Writer and a wet-eared […]

Prompt: Perception

grass grows around a mirror, daisies are reflected in its surface

We can tell various different stories through various items. The objects we gather around us in our domestic environment often tells a story about who we are as individuals. Think about the personification of these objects, and what they would say as they observe their owner, as though from a strangely intimate yet aloof positioning […]

Get To Know Our Editors

on the left a square of scarlett's face looking to the side, and on the right a full-length picure of Lexia, with her hands on her hips and head tilted

We launched on the 1st September, finally unveiling the team behind Fawn Press over on social media, so get to know a little more about us, our background, and what we enjoy about poetry! Scarlett Ward Bennett – Founder & Editor Lexia Tomlinson – Editor What sort of poetry do you like to read? Lexia: […]