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'Let me make you something to eat' by Nabeela Saghir



The second in Fawn Press’ pamphlet series, Nabeela’s pamphlet ‘Let me make you something to eat’  is a sensational meditation on the connections between family, identity, and food. There is a tender exploration of the borders that exist within language, geography, and familial roles, and through the abundance of apricot glaze and orange segments, Nabeela distills her journey down to that one invitation that lets you know you’ve found home: “let me make you something to eat.”


Illustrations by Megan Laura Roberts.


Praise for ‘Let me make you something to eat’


Jasmine Gardosi:”In this intricate collection, English and Urdu flirt together around the universal love language of food. Its undercurrents of darkness make the intimate taste of every poem all the more needed, and all the more nourishing. Saghir’s delicate imagery gives every fruit, every vegetable, every morsel a soul, and a story – indeed, she makes food a living thing, and a loving thing. I am full, after reading”