fawn press logo is the cream silhouette of a fawn against a dark green background


Chose from ay or all of these prompts, either as a freewrite prompt or take it and run!

-You are the first flower to bud. What would you tell your friends. yet to germinate?

-Your mother’s garden like? Start at the front door and detail every little thing? Get further away. Turn attention inwards. Are you an adult of a child?

-Journal a walk, write down every thing you see, hear, smell. When you get home try to make a list of synonym for what you saw- think of unique ways to describe your walk. eg trees were not green they were xyz

-Think of the last big event was in your life. You moved house? You had a break up? You went to hospital? Write down the event in 6 bullet points or more. What happens when you shuffle the bullet points? What happens when you don’t start at the start? Begin from the end of the middle.

-Choose a photograph of yourself. Tell the story of the photograph, as though it were someone else. What is happening just outside of the frame? What would you tell them?